

Petra Weindl

Member of the Board

Energy efficiency. Climate protection. Sustainability.


These are the important issues for the future of all of us. And this also applies to travelling. Our Ringhoteliers have been working for years to optimise their hotels, to be energy-efficient and to use as few resources as possible. However, this does not mean that our guests have to do without comfort. On the contrary. The value of the environment, the focus on the homeland, the region are always at the centre. Our goal was and remains to preserve this for future generations.

Ringhotels Netzwerk Energie
Ringhotels Network Energy

As the first hotel cooperation in Germany, we are setting the course for the future topics of energy efficiency, energy procurement, reduction of CO2 emissions and sustainability for all our hotels with our "Ringhotels Netzwerk Energie". Under the umbrella of the "Initiative Energy Efficiency and Climate Protection Networks" of the Federal Government, the IHA and ENGIE Germany support our hotels in the implementation of the set goals. We create a platform where knowledge, competence and guidance for the implementation of suitable measures are bundled to optimally lead our ring hotels into the future.


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Sustainable food Initiative
Regional. Seasonal. Delicious. Our Sustainable Food Initiative

The use of regional and seasonal products without long transport routes is not a trend at Ringhotels, but a living tradition. Since January 1, 2023, Ringhotels has been a member of Futouris e.V., making it the first hotel association in Germany to agree on close cooperation with the Hamburg-based sustainability initiative. In our Sustainable food Initiative project, we want to sensitize our guests and employees to the issue of food waste. We want to show that sustainable food is not only possible in the hotel, but also feasible. You can also see this on our buffet labels.

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Certified sustainability with GreenSign
Certified sustainability with GreenSign

Together with GREENSIGN, we audit, improve and certify our ring hotels in terms of sustainability. The 92-criteria certification catalog for GreenSign Hotel certification is internationally recognized by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council.

By practicing responsible, ecological and sustainable management, our family-run Ringhotels not only maintain current business operations, but above all make them fit for the future and for future generations.


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Here you will find a selection of our certified hotels:

Patricia Friebel

Patricia Brautscheck

Reservation / Guest program

Discover Bad Rothenfelde - with a 20 % discount!

Get to know Bad Rothenfelde with the “Get to know Bad Rothenfelde” package and benefit from a 20 % discount as a HeimatGenuss Card holder.

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Chadiya Hammounaicha Distribution employee

Chadiya Hammounaicha

Reservation / Guest program

Ringhotels Special 2025

Beginning of 2025: Stay overnight for only 1000 rings in a double room and for only 900 rings in a single room!

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Petra Weindl

CEO / Member of the Board

New Ringhotel Der Deichhof

We are very happy about the newest member of the Ringhotels family: The Ringhotel Deichhof in Wremen, Wurster Nordseeküste!

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